So one could most likely hear the longer bullets from a further distance than say a 40 gr. Long 30 caliber bullets whiz louder than short 22 caliber bullets. It would be tough to give an exact answer to your question - one variable would be the actual physical size (length) of the "whizzing" bullets. So I am guessing on a calm day a centerfire bullet can be heard "moving" from 500 - 700 yards away. I have heard bullets whizzing "away" when my partners are 400 yards distant themselves and their bullets headed away from me. More specifically now to your "distance" inquiry. More bullets are coming and you are most likely FAR from medical attention. With the high number of bullets that are sent down range while Varminting - if bullets are whizzing or "cracking" past, then you must take protective action. I always make certain the other members of my party know which direction I am going Varminting! I also make sure they DO NOT shoot toward my half of the world! And in turn I only shoot in the exact opposite direction my partner(s) is (are) at! I would have attempted to solve the situation immediately if possible - by communicating with the other shooters or just leaving the country. In either case the bullets travelling "past" you were the main exhibit in an UNSAFE situation! Probably sub-sonic, if no distinct "crack" accompanied the whizzing! If the bullets were "whizzing" past you then that indicates to me the bullets had made contact with the ground or a Varmint and were tumbling. 18 August 2006, 03:16 VarmintGuySlancey: Yikes!